Monday, September 29, 2008


前几天 Carol, Mervin , 辉与我到 Bugis Street用娘惹自助餐,预祝我九月卅日长大一岁!

坦白说,这餐不过不失, 没什么特别.用餐完后, Carol给我们玩心理测验,题目为:

请在白纸上画: 一个人,钥匙,桥,白兔及拐杖

大家各自在纸上画下自己的图画. 画完后交给Carol,再由她解說.



经过她分析我的图画后, 她的结论是注重伴侣,没有很强的事业心,有责任感,注重金钱. 她问我这问题我给她打几分.我跟她说不准,我不相信. 分析完大家的图画后, 她就把辉和我的图画放在一起. 辉的图画如下:
接着她给了一个蛮搞笑的结论, 就是我准备嫁人了,所以没事业心(虽然我极力否认!). 辉把钱看得很重,因为他要存钱结婚..我们就被气昏了.

无论如何我们还是谢谢她的 '善意'.


GURUN-Place? or People?

Last two weekend managed to meet up Chin Khan aka Gurun at Bukit Batok, SG here. There has been few years didn't meet each other after Chai Hun's wedding around 3 years ago. Time really flies. We only keep in touch through MSN.

We chat about what we did and happend last few years after graduated and some funny things when we were studied in UTM. Gurun, Durian, Mak, Daniel, Loy and few more friends were my buddies when we studied in UTM last time. We went supper (3 a.m story time), budget travel to each hometown during holidays, girls and boys stories.....We really had great time together. After graduated, everyone located at different place: Penang, KL, JB and now i am in SG..:(

Gurun said he may consider to work in SG. I was happy when he told me that. At least in SG here I have one more 'kaki'. Hehe..His girlfriend will follow him to SG too.

As usual of what we did last time in UTM, we will leave footprint before left any destination. --take photo in front of Bukit Batok MRT station! It seems go back to our Uni moment, but it was warmth..

Gurun, Wish you good Luck! Hope can see you and Yee Ching next year!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My 1st Ride on Gerardus Mercator


On 9 September 08, I was managed to board Geradus Mercator(GM). GM is a Trailer Suction Hopper Dredger or aka TSHD. TSHD is a self-propelled ocean going vessel. My project site uses TSHD to dredge sand from borrow area , transport the sand to project site and discharge directly from the hopper to the reclamation area.

We boarded GM around 11.30am while he was in full load of sand before dumping. If we boarded after sand was dumped to designated area, the freeboard will be rose higher and we would face more difficulties to board the dredger.

By the time reached noon, we were welcomed to have our lunch in the trailer.







This was my first time had such a good meal on barge. Previously the experience I had lunch on barge was sucks!

Here you can see food for tea break

We supposed to reach project site estimated at 6pm. However, GM encountered war relics -bombs during sand dredged. Therefore, we had to turn to Sudong Island to dispose the bombs. By the time we reached on site already 8.15pm at night.

It was indeed a nice trip for me to learn and gain new experience on how trailer operation from starting of dredged sand, transported and discharged to project site (included bombs encountered!!). I wont forget the hospitality of the Belgium chef in GM too.