Thursday, October 28, 2010



最近和辉讨论明年的欧洲旅游。这一次打算背包游。第一次去这么远的地方,的确要作很多功课才行,最重要是先决定哪些国家。我们在五个想去的国家中 -瑞士,奥大利,捷克,法国和意大利,暂定瑞士,奥大利和捷克。结下来,就是往背包客栈网站取经了。


Sunday, October 17, 2010

十全十美 10.10.10 ROM

Location: Persatuan Budhha Taiping Temple
Date : 10.10.2010

Although the date and application for our ROM already fixed and settled 2 months ago, however, I still did not find myself over excited on the ROM event. Weird. Weird.

We drove from Sekinchan in Saturday afternoon and stayed in Taiping overnight. On that day morning, Hooi and I brought along our IC then proceeded to Persatuan Taiping Buddhist Temple which is only about 10 minutes from Hooi’s house. By the time we reached there, the temple was so crowded. The ceremony started at 11am sharp. Since we queued under No. 15, out of 47 couples, we waited for our turn to be called to sign on the so called ‘卖身契’ then proceed to exchange our wedding bands. The Register soon announced us as official husband and wife, followed by the Certificate of Marriage. I really felt that I had committed to marriage after the Register informed us to vow in front of him. I did not know how to describe that kind of feeling at the point in time. Maybe just like my parents said ‘长大了’!

Well, the ceremony was ended with all the 47 couples to take group photo so that the reporter can publish on the local edition in Perak.

Yeah! We had completed our ROM. Let proceed with next step of preparation…

Friday, October 1, 2010

FunFun 的婚纱照 – 摄于2010年8月28日新加坡


两个月前,我在佳礼论坛看到有人征情侣拍婚纱/情侣照,免费而且全部Softcopy会归还。与摄影师的太太,也是化妆师 的Celest email 联络详情后, 就选定时间拍外景罗!他俩是马来西亚人,在新加坡工作,也是Freelance摄影师+化妆师,原想回适耕庄拍外景,但路途太遥远,所以我们就选定在新加坡拍吧!

一大清早我和辉就到达Celest的家化妆准备,十一时左右才出发。刚开始时我俩的表情都很木纳,频频望镜头, 超不自然!摄影师Shawn告诉我们别望镜头,但我们。。就是。。叹气。。。一阵子后情况才稍转好。



