Saturday, February 21, 2009

1st Wedding 2009

Just received wedding photo that taken during Nay Zaw's wedding. Nay Zaw was my ex-colleague for almost 4 months. He get a very good offer and resigned since last year.

This is my 1st time attend Burmese wedding dinner in Singapore. As usual I think giving ang pao is the common way. AFter found out from my friends realised actually we can buy things to Naw Zaw besides giving ang pao. Hmm, that make me think of Malay wedding in Malaysia also can buy gift or choose to give ang pao to them.

As the wedding suppose to start at 7.30pm but my colleagues all advise me not too be too punctual because if follow singaporean style, the wedding dinner may start at 9pm. My gosh! I really hate to attend wedding that started late that scheduled date. However, my colleagues said it is very common in Singapore!Maybe Naw Zaw is Burmese. His wedding dinner start about 8.15pm. To me within 1 hour still acceptable.

Along the dinner some people giving speech included bride and bridegroom. We just eat and eat because they spoke in Burmese language. What we did is clapped hand when see everyone clapped hand, just follow what other people are doing, funny!

The wedding ended about 10.15pm, sharp and short.On the way back home taking MRT, I was just wondering this year how many 'red bomb' will I get?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hanoi-Halong Bay 16-19 Jan 09 Day 3

We missed the chance to sleep in the boat in Halong Bay. We only slept in one of the 3 stars hotel in Halong City-Golden Halong Hotel.

We had a short walk in Halong City in the morning. We realized the people here wake up very early. The shop opened and closed quite late too. Halong is not as crowded as Hanoi. Less motors and peoples.

Around 12pm++ we finished our lunch in Halong city,we departed back to Hanoi to watch water puppet show.

To be frank, water puppet show is quite unique but I don't really understand what they are playing. They played the show in vietnam language without any subtitle screen. I think the show mostly are more to folklore.

Can be seen that the puppets are made out of wood and then lacquered. The shows are performed in a waist-deep pool. To perform the show, the puppeteers themselves hide behind a long screen. From behind the screen they manipulate the wooden puppets with bamboo rods while standing chest-deep in water to enact dramatic scenes using the water's surface as a stage floor.

After the show, we went to the night market. I was too busy looking around, not manage to take any photo from the night market.

Things I bought from the night market:

Cute right? only RM3 for 1

Valentine was around the corner, so I bought the card. Very cute, only RM3!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hanoi-Halong Bay on 16-19 Jan 2009 Day 2

早上check out后,约八点半一个新女导游来接我们去Halong Bay了.她说全程约三小时半.她没介绍自己,我们也懒得问.我们都认为越南的导游有双重标准.接待白皮肤的游客比黄皮肤的游客亲切多了!或许白皮肤的游客给小费较阔气吧!或许自己运气欠佳,遇到的越南人都不太老实.

第二,我的背包在Halong Bay被开了.但那个笨贼没拉上拉链.所幸我没财物损失.




Halong Bay,我来了!




Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hanoi-Halong Bay 16-19 Jan 09 Day1

搭大马时间6.30am Air Asia 廉价航空三小时十五分抵达河内8.45am. 河内比大马早一个小时. 这趟旅程六人行-阿倍,阿蓉,凯珊,彩云, Rita 和我.

在Noi Bai 机场拿了行李后见到了地接的年轻女导游,Nong. 接着就去酒店check in.

我們的酒店就在36老街内-Kim Tuc Hotel 三颗星.房间还不错,有冷气、电视机、冰箱,整洁舒适;冲凉房有热水、肥皂、梳子、牙刷等等,包括早 餐.从这间酒店走路15分钟可以去到还剑湖.


河內很多都是这样简简单单的几样东西几张凳子就在街边开始做生意了。很佩服越南女生工作的毅力。基本上我们逛街时候看到做生意的也是女生. 无论男女老少,很多都是这样在街边蹲着吃,已经习以为常了.



胡志明陵墓(Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum)
我们去到时已经两点钟,是星期五,也适逢冬季,已經关了, 无缘瞻仰胡志明的遗体.
开放时间:星期二,三,四,六,日 (星期一和五关闭)
夏季: 7.30am-10.30am
冬季: 8.00am-11.00am

文庙 (Temple of Literature)


一柱寺(One Pillar Pagoda)

Dong Xuan Market
Dong Xuan 是著名的批发市场.我在这儿买了约马币四十的寒衣.

Dong Xuan外面也有许多挡口.新年气息丝毫不输给马来西亚哦!
