Monday, August 2, 2010

New Room, New Life

Finally moved to our new room in Whampoa last Saturday!

I didn't notice my belonging had become so many after 2 years staying in Singapore. I always tell myself not to have too many stuff in Singapore or I will face the difficulties to bring back all those things to Malaysia. I think I really have to bring back my stuff a bit by a bit for every trip I back to Sekinchan.

Again, my new room location is not very near to MRT station, that why is cheaper, $600 for 1 common room. This is also the room which I had found almost 1 month through internet by trying not to go through agent, in order to save $300.

Today wake up as per normal. However, when i reach to office is almost 8.30am. Compare to last time, i reach to site office 7.30am daily so that I had time to do more work (I hate to do OT until late!), and also no people will come to disturb me.

My new room, my new life!I hope no more house moving for my lives in Singapore..Indeed tiring


Heman said...

How is the house owner? Did he give you any weird rules to follow?

sharon said... far only stay there less than 1 week. Still haven't impossed weird rules to follow..Hope everything gonna be fine.