Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bosphorus River Cruise - Day 9

We used ferryboat as the Bosphorus River Cruise . I had to say that the scenery along Bosphorus River was fantastic! It was an approximately 1 1/2 hours cruise.

Initially we still hesitated whether to take the Cruise because it was an optional tour. Kun used to recommended the cruise is a must-go spot in my blog. So we finally decided to go for the Cruise and it wasn't disappointed us!

Along the shoreline, we are able to see the beautiful mosque included Tokapi Palace, decadent villas which are now become the most expensive villa in Turkey, the suspended Bosporus Bridge, some fishing boats, yachts, huge cargo ships and tankers.


Heman said...



sharon said...


YEN said...

真的想念伊斯坦堡这美丽的城市 :)